Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Preschool Halloween Party and Beggar's Night

A pirate, a monkey and a spider walk into a bar.....I'm sure there is a joke
in there somewhere.

The party was great fun. I know I had fun and most of the kids seemed to as well.

We also made a stop at a DEAR friends home where The Kid got a major haul. Dear Friend insisted on taking a picture on her front step.

And finally, since it was Beggar's Night, we went trick or treating at the mall. WHAT A MADHOUSE! But so much better/easier than going door to door. The only really weird thing we saw was a mom in front of us at one point (who was probably half my age) and she had a lower back tattoo hanging out that said "Made in the USA" in red, white and blue. I'm sure Uncle Sam is proud.

I am so glad Halloween is over.....I really hate it.


Eliza2006 said...

Your little pirate is SO cute!


D said...

She is adorable! Glad the party went well...