I was recently away on a business trip for 5 days. It was the first time I had been away from The Kiddo for more than a few hours since the day I met her. It was interesting to see how we both reacted to it.
According to Grandmumsy and Auntie J, she was fine and only seemed to notice that I was gone a couple of times and then she was over it. Well! Not that I wanted her to be inconsolable over me being gone or anything....but that kinda hurt. But maybe she was just having such a good time, that she didn't have a chance to miss me. Right?
I was another story. In the back of my head, I thought, "Hey! This'll be fun! It'll be kinda like being my old single self again! I can sleep without being brought out of a dead sleep by someone crying in the next room, come and go as I please, not have to change poopy diapers for a few days!" And while those things were nice, I really missed just having her with me. I missed that sloppy kiss and clingy hug every morning. I missed the fights over changing her diaper. I missed how every question I ask is ALWAYS answered with an emphatic NO (even if I'm asking if she wants a cookie). I missed her goofy grin every night after I put her to bed and she tries to give me one of her toys. I missed walking into the room and having her scream "Muh-mah!" and give me a great big knee hug. And yes, I did fight back a few tears and I probably bored my traveling companion to tears with all of my talk about The Kidlet, but I think I did pretty well. I just hope I don't have to do it again for awhile.