Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Well. That was really much harder than I expected.

I should have known. I cry all the time over weird little things. So why I thought I wouldn't cry taking my little girl to her first day of preschool is beyond me. I was so calm all morning, but then when I made The Kid stand in front of the door so I could take her picture, I felt a twinge, a little burn in my eyes and my throat tightened just a bit. I ignored it, and it quickly went away. Then, as we were in the car, on our way to preschool, out of nowhere, my eyes started burning again and my throat got a little tighter than it had before. But I was still able to blink and swallow to make it go away. And then I was fine! I was fine when she got out of the car and we walked in the building. Still fine as she hung her 'pack-pack' up on the wall. And I was really STILL fine when she went running into her classroom without so much as a "Bye, mama!" No, really. I was fine! But when I saw her teacher pick her up and give her a great big hug, I couldn't stop the burning or the tightening. It was all I could do to keep from making a complete arse out of myself in front of complete strangers. And if there is one thing I CAN'T STAND, it is crying in front of people. So, I basically just had to run out of there.

Don't get me wrong. I love that she is so confident. And I can't help but feel like I've done a pretty good job making her feel safe, secure and loved that she has no fear about going into a totally new situation. But.....she's my little girl! And yet, I was so proud of her today. I peeked in the room for the last 15 minutes or so, and she was taking it all in and in the middle of every bit of activity. I wish that I could be more like her.

And I don't think I mentioned it, but at last week's preview, The Kid was pretty tight with one little girl, in particular and her mom sat down next to me and we got to chatting and they are waiting to adopt from China! And they went through the same agency that I did! Small world, ain't it?

And finally, I'm sure my kiddo can't be the only one whose favorite bedtime friend is a rubber chicken, right? The Kid would like you all to meet Marcy, the chicken. Marcy was a gift from Crazy Uncle Mark. (You should have seen the looks we got at Super T @rget yesterday with her carrying that thing around and hugging it and talking to it......)

1 comment:

A said...

One thing I feel like I have read over and over with moms and the first day of class is a mixture of gladness and sadness. Glad that their kid can transition so well but sad that the school milestone comes so quickly. Sorry the day was rough for you, but glad the day went well for the Kid. You have a lot to be proud of...