Monday, January 08, 2007

ABC about me

A - available or taken: Available (Do you HEAR that Orlando???)
B- best friend: I have a few very close friends that I would consider my best friends. And that includes family members
C- cake or pie: Costco cake
D- drink of choice: Coffee or Diet A&W Root Beer
E-essential item you use everyday: Pens, phone, my hands, my feet, my brain.....
F-favorite color: Green or purple
G-gummy bears or worms: Gummy Bears
H-hometown: Ankeny, IA
I-indulgence: St&rbucks coffee on occassion
J-January or February: February. It's different than all the other months.
K-kid's names: Miss R
L-life incomplete without: My daughter and the rest of my family (that includes friends!)
M-marriage date: 11/11/11
N-number of siblings: Two sisters
O-oranges or apples: Apples and sometimes oranges if I'm feeling brave
P-phobias or fears: Unripened fruit, feet, clowns, bugs....the list goes on for days
Q-favorite quote: "I never did mind the little things" and "NO, Steven! Only when I say so! Only when I say!"
R-reason to smile: My daughter's laugh. Hugs and kisses from her, too.
S-season: Winter! I LOVE snow! I wish we had gotten the snow instead of Colorado!!!
T-tag 3 people: Nah...I just did it because Donna did it.
U-unknown fact about me: I am teaching myself how to play the psaltry.
V-veggie I don't like: Brussel sprouts
W-worst habit: I mutter to myself constantly
X-xrays: My back a few years ago.
Y-your favorite food: Pasta with tons of garlic and mushrooms
Z-zodiac: Libra

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